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Useful links and a list of official websites, governmental, assistance for businesses, freelancers and social entities.

Your personal access

Link to online accounting software.

Personal Access

List of official government sites

In this section, we have put links to various government websites at your disposal. If you have any suggestions of interesting sites, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

List of websites of social organisations

The main social organisations’ websites: URSSAF, the MSA, Social Security… 

List of business help websites

Here are some websites to simplify daily business life. If you have any suggestions of interesting sites, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

List of websites for freelance professions

Here are some reference websites for those exercising a freelance profession. If you have any suggestions of interesting sites, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Access to the Order of Chartered Accountants and the National Company of Statutory Auditors.

Links to the websites of the Order of Chartered Accountants (national and regional) and the National Company of Statutory Auditors.